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Energy Healing : start here

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Energy healing is an ancient technique which aims at healing the causes -and not only the symptoms- of illnesses and blocages.

The effects are deep and quick, and they help healing on the long run with very little or no side effects.

Energy healing has a holistic approach which complements conventional medicine and which will help you implement healthier habits into your life.

Energy healers workq on your energy, which circulates into your entire body. We remove what is toxic, balance the energy flow, re-create harmony which is your natural state. This process makes you feel like you have more energy, are more relaxed and with less pain.

Energy healing can be applied safely to anyone: infants, children, adults, pregnant women, the Elderly, pets.

Energy healing will help you if:

  • you wish to find a way to heal yourself that is more natural and less invasive than conventional medicine,
  • you suffer from chronic illnesses and usual treatments don’t/no longer work on you; OR they do BUT you experience substantial side-effects which you would like to decrease,
  • you would like to decrease your consumption of pain-killers,
  • you suffer from mental disorders (depression, OCD, addiction, …), you currently receive psychiatric care and you would like to try a new complementary approach to reduce suffering and, whenever possible, reduce your medication,
  • you suffer from sleeping disorders and you are looking for a durable solution,
  • you wish to reduce stress levels durably,
  • you have been experiencing blocages in your daily life which you can not explain nor overcome: patterns of disappointing relationships, difficulty to keep jobs or to maintain healthy finances, feeling that you are always unlucky, impression that you fail at everything, …
  • you are healthy and would like to try a preventive approach.

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To book your session, please send me a message using the form below.


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