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Guidance : start here

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Guidance helps you get answers to the questions you have about yourself, your relationships, or your life purpose.

The answers are given by your angels, your guides, your Higher Self – who is the divine part of yourself, which knows your deep desires and your life mission. They help you overcome your fears and your limitations so you are no longer a victim of your circumstances, because you become co-creator of your life. They help you be aligned to your inner truth: your desires, your aspirations, your dreams, your projects, no matter what others think about you. Therefore, they help you make the right decisions to become the best version of yourself, and be happy on all levels: relationships, processionnal, financial, existential, …

A guidance session can help you if:

  • you are currently going through a period of intense change and you need to be guided to make the right decisions,
  • you feel that « nothing is right » in your life right now, but you don’t understand why and you’re scared to go in the wrong direction,
  • you do not understand the behavior and reactions of a loved one, and you need to be enlightened on their motivations,
  • you are not sure who you are and what is « for you », you need to find your « essence »,
  • you feel alone and you need to feel the presence of your gardian angels, your guides, your lucky star, to comfort ou.

We can talk about any topic that is currently bothering you, including:

  • your romantic relationships: how to choose a partner who is right for you and end patterns of dissatisfaction and betrayal? Should you end your current relationship? How to save your relationship? How to build and preserve healthy boundaries for you?
  • your family relationships : how to behave with a parent of with your child? Do you need to put some distance with your family? Are your family’s expectations toxic for you? Do you know how to transcend them?
  • your other relationships : (friends, acquaintances) are they healthy or toxic? Do they help bring you closer to your true essence and your life path?
  • your finances : what is blocking you to have healthy and abundant finances? What is blocking you to be in an abundance mindset?
  • your job: does it help you fulfil your dreams? Is it currently pushing you or blocking you in your life? How to improve relationships with your co-workers and your boss?
  • your home: is it adapted to your lifestyle? Does your home need decluttering? How to move quickly to have a more adapted home life? What is blocking you in order to sell or buy a house? Should you consider a big change (expatriation or move to another region)?
  • your life mission : what is your life purpose? Are you living according to your unique mission? How to blend it to your daily life?
  • loss (of a loved one, break-up/divorce, miscarriage, termination): how to live with it and transcend it? What are the « hidden gifts », the teachings brought by this painful event?
  • repetitive failures: how to identify and break toxic patterns?

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To book your session, please send me a message using the form below.


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