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Being an Empath (or Hypersensitive) is a wonderful gift, but just like any other gift, you need to learn how to use it. When you feel overwhelmed by your sensitivity, there is no need to suffer: fellow Empaths understand your pain, and there are solutions to experience less pain!
As en Empath and an Energy Healer, I am extremely exposed to other people’s energy. And yet, I am not particularly tired or sick. That is possible because there are techniques to avoid suffering from one’s Empathy, and make it a true asset. I will not teach you how to suppress that part of yourself: you were born an Empath. It is a part of who you are, like the sound of your voice or the color of your eyes. What you need is to learn how to channel your gift, and learn how to use it.
The objectives of the Empath coaching
We are all different, therefore priorities will vary between you and another person. However, the main objectives of this coaching will be to teach you how to deal with your Empathy in order to make it an asset, and not a weakness anymore. This will allow you to get back your sel-confidence, find balance and serenity in your daily life.
Together, we will take a look at all the main issues that are affecting you and we will define priorities and objectives.
Common areas of improvements in Empath Coaching
Even if everyone experiences their Empathy differently, I have noticed that some topics tend to come up really often.
Here are the main concerns I work on with my Empath clients:
- teaching you how to identify toxic relationships in order to: save those that can be healed, let go of those that are irreparably broken, and avoid falling into the trap again,
- helping you avoid Narcissists, or manipulative and controlling people,
- explaining you how to help others without losing all your energy,
- teaching you how to deal with negative people without getting frustrated,
- showing you how to be assertive, which means learning to say « no » and putting up boundaries, while still being loving towards them,
- encouraging you to express your feelings and your truth when you’re talking with others, so you’re no longer the one who only listens (it’s important to feel in alignment!),
- teaching you the basics of energy self-defense: how to clean your aura from other people’s negative energies, how to protect yourself energetically, how to cut energy cords,
- revealing how to take care of yourself without feeling guilty nor being selfish.
How often should one get Empath coaching?
Ideally, one session every 7-10 days is necessary to see significant improvements with how you deal with your empathy. Depending on your needs and your budgets, we can adapt the number of sessions we do together. Do not worry: even if your budget doesn’t allow you to get regular coaching for now, it is better to come only for one session to learn the basics, rather than nothing at all!
How much is an Empaths Coaching session?
I currently offer my coaching sessions at the rate of 50€/ hour. Sessions are offered face-to-face if you are currently living in Nice, over the phone, or on Skype/Whatsapp calls.
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To book your Empath coaching session, please send me a message on the form below! Let’s talk soon!