Most of us are familiar with chamomile tea, which we usually drink at night to get ready for a good night of sleep. Unlike a lot of other herbal teas, chamomile tea doesn’t have a very strong flavor, so even children enjoy it.
Another, less usual, use of chamomile is as an antiseptic mouthwash. Chamomile naturally has antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties when used as a mouthwash. My mom used to have parodontitis, a degenerative decease of the gums, and her dentists recommended that she used this natural remedy every time she had an abscessed tooth or strong gum pain. It can also be used for mouth ulcers, canker sores, painful teeth and gums, inflamed gums, and is said to help with bad breath, too!
To make this mouthwash, you need a couple of table spoons of dried chamomile flowers, ideally organic. If you don’t have flowers, you can also use one or two chamomile tea bags. Put the flowers or the tea bag in a bowl, pour some boiling water on it and let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Filter out the flowers, and let it cool down. Your mouthwash is ready! Put it into your mouth and swish it through your teeth the same way you would with regular mouthwash. Except you can keep this one for longer because it doesn’t contain alcohol or nasty chemicals that will irritate your mouth.
Next time you have dental problems or painful gums, you can try this efficient remedy. It doesn’t cost much and it’s completely natural! Additionally, Pranic Healing can help you too, as a complement to other cures. If you try this mouthwash, I would love to hear from your experience, so please leave me a comment below!

Je suis Nina, Magnétiseuse et Canal des Anges 👼 Je suis passionnée par les chats, les cristaux, les Anges, les Licornes et les Fées. Je canalise quotidiennement leur vibration sur mon blog et mes réseaux sociaux pour soutenir mes frères et soeurs de lumière Empathes, Anges Terrestres et Passeurs d’Âmes. Viens rejoindre plus de 16 000 personnes qui sont comme toi sur ma Page Facebook Nos Anges et inscris-toi à mon Courrier des Anges pour recevoir chaque semaine un message canalisé des Anges ou des Archanges 🙏💖